Production inputs in the metals and steel industry

Production inputs in the metals and steel industry : Currently, the metal production industry, led by steel, covers about 33% of the country’s capital market profits. Paying attention to the above figures both listens to the responsibility of protecting the existing conditions and warns the activists of this sector that if the growth rate in this sector and its chain is not balanced, great challenges in the economy facing the development aspirations, economic growth and development The lively social will emerge in the business environment. The vision should be far from ambitious, relying on the country’s social capital and balance in the growth and deepening of self-reliance in the supply chain of steel production inputs. Ways to take care of all inputs must be clearly seen in the vision by defining the mission of each. Ignoring the growth of the members of this chain endangers this industry, which can look fat and wealthy for the country, but is practically vulnerable. It is not without merit to mention an event to draw the attention of concerned loved ones to formulate a comprehensive, executive and barrier perspective.

In one of the effective units, the refractory producers of the country were repeatedly warned by the top managers that if you do not comply with our conditions, we will import the required refractories from abroad with our own facilities.

Of course, the refractory industry has reached a point where it meets 95% of the needs of the country’s metal industry, but care must be taken that the vision is drawn and stabilized in such a way that it is executable and free from any tendency, self-reliance and endogenization of technology. Continuously develop and deepen localization. In the spring, the international interactions of domestic suppliers were difficult to penetrate into the consumer units, but in the winter and the purgatory of sanctions, we all see ourselves as a banner in support of technology internalization and localization. The vision should be a harbinger of following the law of protection of domestic production, the principles of resistance economics and the ideal of wealth creation by supporting the producers of production inputs in the metals and steel industry in all time and space. The Refractory Materials Employers Association strongly believes that supporting Iranian goods and localization in all sectors, including the metal and steel industries, requires diligent efforts and culture-building, and this must be done over time and continuously, especially by specialized media and Be credible, institutionalized, and pursued to bear fruit. Holding the annual conference on the steel industry by the media group “World of Economy” along with online media activities for localization, can be a suitable and valuable tool to deepen the relationship between all actors in the steel production chain and worthy of the real potential of domestic activists Show all sectors, especially the refractory industry, to the consuming units.